Tuesday, May 14Sports. Travel. Events

Caves in Slovakia: five to visit in the High Tatras, Low Tatras, Liptov and Spis regions

There is something other worldly about entering a cave network – and many of these speleological experiences can be found in Slovakia, Central Europe’s largest karst territory. 

Each cave has its own signature story, with options to merely admire as part of a group tour, or as a “speleo-trekker”, besides caving specialists wearing helmets and head lamps. 

Here’s some recommendations on where to start your subterranean adventure… 

Belianska Cave in the High Tatras (Enjoy Tatras DMC)
Belianska Cave in the High Tatras (Image: Enjoy Tatras DMC)

1. Belianska Jaskyna Cave (High Tatras) 

Located in Tatranska Kotlina, Belianska Jaskyna is the only cave open to the public in the High Tatras. It displays many types of natural cave decorations, including flowstone waterfalls and pagoda stalagmites, within several cave halls. The most renowned is “Music Hall”, so named for its concert level acoustics and continual “drip, drip, drip” of water hitting the surface of an inner lake. Tours take 70 minutes and the network is spread across 1,370 m.  

Did you know? Nearby spa guests at the Tatranska Kotlina Spa facility are treated inside the cave based on the high humidity and a sterile allergen-free environment

2. Demanovska Ice Cave & Liberty Cave (Liptov region)

Liptov’s Demanovska Valley has two unmissable sites to visit – the “Demanovska Ice Cave” and the “Demanovska Cave of Liberty” – which form part of the same 35km underground Karst System. Both caves are easily combined, sitting only 2.5km apart. Spear-like columns of icy stalactites and stalagmites will enthral all age groups in the former, whilst rock pools, majestic domes and a lake – which is 52m in length and 7m deep – will delight in the latter. 

Did you know? Originally named the dragon cave, because the people who discovered it thought that the bones found within belonged to a dragon, but they were bones of the cave bear

Demanovska Ice Cave (Image: Enjoy Tatras DMC)
Demanovska Ice Cave (Image: Enjoy Tatras DMC)

3. Vazecka Cave (Liptov region) 

This cave is located between Liptovsky Mikulas and Poprad. Opened to the public in 1954, Vazecka Cave has provided palaeontological findings, offering up bear bones of a much bigger and heavier ancestor to the current brown bear. The decoration of the cave includes white flowstone, where mineral-rich water seeping down the cave walls has caused beautiful curtain-like formations which flank the pathway ahead. 

Did you know? The cave has erected a life-size sculpture of the type of ancient brown bear who once roamed the forests.

The UNESCO-listed Dobsinska Ice Cave
The UNESCO-listed Dobsinska Ice Cave

4. Dobsinska Ice Cave (Spis region) 

Thanks to an inquisitive young miner called Eugen Ruffiny, the “Dobsinska Ice Cave” was discovered in June 1870. Inscribed by UNESCO since 2000, it’s one of the world’s largest ice caves, spreading across an area of 110,000sqm. Visitors follow a man-made pathway of 515m viewing sculptures of geology and ice, morphed into extraordinary shapes. In 1890, a concert was held in the “large hall” in honour of Charles Ludwig of Hapsburg and ice skating occurred all the way up until 1946. 

Did you know? It was one of the first caves in Europe with electric lighting, which has been in operation since 1887

5. The Cave of Dead Bats (Low Tatras) 

This is where caving gets a bit more serious; tour numbers are limited, there is a 2km hike to reach the cave’s entrance and one will be wearing a head lamp and protective gear. This large mountain cave is just 1km from the highest peak in the low Tatras “Dumbier”. With several levels of tour (A for kids 8+years, B and C are more challenging adult routes) from the introductory through to “speleo-trekking”, which requires one to be in good physical and mental condition to be climbing over abysses, crawling through narrow spaces and on rope ladders in damp conditions. 

Did you know? The cave’s name really is full of small bat bones alongside other creatures who have met their demise

See more information about caves at enjoytatras.com

Top things to see and do in the High Tatras & Liptov region:

This project and its activities are implemented with financial support of the Ministry of Transport and Construction of the Slovak Republic